杜笙tulsion® a-32 fine mesh
tulsion® a-32 fine mesh 是一款包含季胺ii型官能团的聚苯乙烯架构的“坚韧胶凝体”强碱型阴离子交换树脂。
tulsion® a-32 fine mesh 由于本身的无裂纹特性而具有优良的物理特性。
tulsion® a-32 fine mesh比i型树脂的碱性稍低,因此在和i型树脂有相同的再生程度的时候,有更高的再生效率和操作能力。
tulsion® a-32 fine mesh 主要应用在强酸和弱酸的去除,并且再生效率高。然而由于其较低的碱性,当和氢型强酸型阳离子交换树脂tulsion® t-42一起用在双床系统上时,硅的泄漏量稍高于i型树脂。它可以在较大的ph范围和温度条件下运行。
tulsion® a-32 fine mesh的球面是无裂纹的,因此它表现出非常高的球强度。
tulsion® a-32 fine mesh 出厂为氯型。
典型特性(typical characteristics): tulsion® a-32 fine mesh
类型/type 强碱型阴离子交换树脂/strong base anion exchange resin
主体结构/matrix structure 聚苯乙烯共聚物/polystyrene copolymer
官能团/functional grou 季胺ii型/quatemary ammonium type ii
离子形态/ionic form 氯型/chloride
物理型式/physical form 湿润球状/moist spherical beads
目数/screen size uss (湿) 50 to 140
粒度/particle size(95% minm.) 0.1 - 0.3 mm
交换容量total exchange capacity(minm.) 1.3meq/ml
膨胀率/swelling(approx) cl- to oh- 12%
湿度/moisture content 47±3%
反洗稳定密度/backwash settled density 690 - 720 gm/lit(43 - 45 lbs/cft)
最大温度/maximum thermal stability 60℃(140℉)
ph范围/ph range 0- 14
溶解性/solubility 不溶/insoluble in all common solvent
操作条件特性(typical operating conditions): tulsion® a-32 fine mesh
树脂床高度/resin bed depth 600 mm(24″)
最大流速/maximum service flow 60m3/hr/m3
逆洗膨胀空间/backwash expansio ace 50 - 70%
逆洗膨胀空间/backwash expansion flow rate(25℃) 5 - 10m3/hr/㎡
再生剂/regenerant naoh
再生程度/regeneration level 40 - 60 g naoh/l
再生浓度/regeneration concentratio 4 - 5%
再生时间/regeneration time 30 - 60 分钟
操作温度/maximum operating temperature 60℃ max
冲洗流速/rinse flow rate: 慢/slow 再生流速/at regeneration flow rate
快/fast 工作流速/at service flow rate
冲洗体积/rinse volume 4 - 10m3/m3
测试(testing): tulsion® a-32 fine mesh
离子交换树脂的抽样和测试是按标准的测试程序,即astmd - 2187和is - 7330,1998.
包装(packing): tulsion® a-32 fine mesh
super sack 1000 lit super sack 35 cft
ms drum 180 lit. ms drum 7 cft
hdpe lines bag 25 lit. hdpe lines bag 1 cft
for handling, safety and storage requirements please refer to the individual material safety data sheets available at our offices. the data included herein are based on test information obtained by thermax limited. these date are believed to be reliable, but do not imply any warranty or performance guarantee. tolerances for characteristics are per bis/astm. we recommend that the user should determine the performance of the product by testing on his own processing equipment.
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杜笙矮床专用酸阻滞酸去除回收树脂a-32fine mesh